
Should i start the cabbage soup?

should i do the cabbage soup diet? I am 18 years old, 5'3'' and 142 lbs? I want to lose some weight and a couple people who have done it says it works and they look slimmer but i wasent sure if i should considering my age?
Should i start the cabbage soup?
it's really not a good idea to do a faddy diet like that. It's hard t stick to cos cabbage soup all the time is so awful, it does some funny stuff to your digestion, and it doesn't taste that good.

you'd me much better of having a balanced, new approach to the way you eat and try to reduce fats and sugars. You shouldn't think in terms of 'diet' as a short term solution to weight loss - you need to re-evaluate the way you eat as a lifestyle choice to maintain a healthy body and healthy weight.
Reply:You should just get on a healthy diet and exercise program check out http://www.geocities.com/tymes90 there are some really good programs listed here.

good luck
Reply:If that's the diet where you only consume cabbage soup or something, umyeah...

It's not gonna work properly.

You're going to screw over your body%26amp;you'll end up gaining it back.
Reply:I did a variation of that diet and lost weight but was really healthy. I ate nothing but raw fruits and veggies and a bowl or two of cabbage soup with a slice of whole wheat toast each day. Lost 15 lbs! It was actually my doctor's recommendation.
Reply:I believe you should. One thing to keep in mind, however, is to purchase real cabbage. Many people are trying to sell cabbage and claim "it can cure cancer". This is a scam.
Reply:like chicpowers answer but thry the cabbage sou if u hava a lot of will powere might not work for everybody.
Reply:Cabbage goes great with a nice bit of cheese.

