
Is it true you can use plain flour instead of derris dust for cabbage couliflour etc to fight the white butter

if not what do you suggest as i find the derris dust is not doing its job.HELP PLEASE.the white butterfly is ruining my garden
Is it true you can use plain flour instead of derris dust for cabbage couliflour etc to fight the white butter
The white butterfly is a cabbage moth..and it is it's larvae that damages the veggies, not the actual moth....I grow broccoli,cauliflower, cabbage(2 types) brussel sprouts etcetera and I use Thuricide concentrate to finally control mine..I try to go organic as much as possible but thesse devils almost ruint my crop, untill I used this product...

Reply:yes dusting your garden with flower is good the insects will eat it and not your plants and toss out a cup of sugar once a week this will feed the ants and they will keep out the bad worms and will attract the good ones that will keep your soil aireated and it is always good idea to by worms and add to your garden

