
How can you tell when to throw out a cabbage?

Just curious
How can you tell when to throw out a cabbage?
when you see some maggots in it
Reply:Them things will last a pretty long time, but I'd say if it's getting too limp (not crisp) and turning brown of course.
Reply:When it goes limp and squishy
Reply:when it's brown and ugly
Reply:if it is starting to wilt or turn brown
Reply:Do a visual, if it is changing color.....DUMP it, if it smells.... DUMP it, if it gets soft......DUMP it. But honestly, with the price of cabbage being so cheap, I would say get rid of it after 2 weeks.
Reply:Take a leaf (preferably in the middle) and break/ripe it in half. If it has a crunch or snap, it's still good. If it has a ripe or tare, it's bad. Or if the edges have started to discolor.
Reply:When it starts to turn color and get soft. The smell changes also, I know cabbage smells but this is worse, LOL.

