i'm a bartender and I want to lose a couple of pounds but i drink on the weekends. Is it dangerous to drink on this diet?
Why can't i drink liquor on the cabbage soup diet?
Have you ever smelled a Cabbage soup and Vodka fart?
Man..enough said.
Yours: Grumpy
Reply:I'm not sure it's dangerous. But isn't part of the cabbage soup thing about cleansing your system. Alcohol is a toxin that your liver has to work to process, so probably it counteracts the effects of the cleansing from the vegetable broth. Also, it is empty calories that you don't need if you're trying to lose.
Reply:Not dangerous, just fattening. Liquor is full of sugar. The cabbage soup diet works because that is all you eat.
By the way, I hope you don't plan on being out in public when on this diet. It really kicks up your um............gastrointestinal activity.
Reply:alcohol will make u gain weight over a period of time
Reply:It's the calories...