
Proper way to raise cauliflower @ cabbage?

Cualiflowers can be quite temperamental and are not easy to grow. If you re new at this, stick to growing small cabbages and brussels sprouts at first.

They like an alkaline soil, so you need to apply lime the previous autumn, but don't worry too much if you haven't done this. buy small plants, and plant them at the suggested spacing (it varies for each type of cabbage).

You will need to put nets over them to keep off the birds and rabbits, and protect the young plants from slugs.

Try this page: http://www.doctorgreenfingers.co.uk/Grow...
Proper way to raise cauliflower @ cabbage?
what are you talking about. How you raise a califlower at cabage. where is cabbage that you want to put califlower on top of it? don't understand the question?

