
Does anyone know any good websites to buy cabbage patch dolls?

I bought my daughter a cabbage patch doll from e toys.com they sent me a doll that was nothing like what i ordered. does anyone know anyother good websites that sell cabbage patch dolls.
Does anyone know any good websites to buy cabbage patch dolls?
I would say toysrus.com, I think that they deliver, but I am not sure.
Reply:Try this site http://www.RobertsCritterCreators.com
Reply:Well if that happened this website FOR SURE only send CPK dolls anywhere. Hope this is helpful and Happy Holidays!

Reply:You should go to wal-mart, I have four from wal-mart.Or you could go to the web-site, www.cabbagepatchkids.com
Reply:Hi, try this website: http://www.walmart.com/search/browse Here is another website: http://www.shopping.aol/instore/ppesearc... I wouldn't try target.com I had bad luck with them.
Reply:srry but i do not like those so i dont know much about them
Reply:You can go to E-Bay, and get them for a good price.
Reply:http://www.amazon.com had some and i haven't had any problems ordering from there site

