Swamp Cabbage or Watercress for my guinea pig?
Watercress and swamp cabbage are fine for guinea pigs in occasional, small amounts, but should not be fed often, as cruciferous veggies can cause gas.
The best veggies to feed your guinea pigs on a daily basis are dark leafy greens (like romaine lettuce), red or green peppers, tomatos, and grass. See link below for more helpful information on guinea pig diets.
Reply:watercress is good but i do not know about the swamp cabbage
Reply:dark green cabbage is good but never heard of swamp cabbage, watercress is good, try spinach, parsley whole green beans they love these, and a good source of vitamin c.
Reply:Do not give your guinea pig swamp cabbage. I think watercress is safe but i wouldn't try it. Get something like romaine lettuce, dandelions, carrot tops, broccoli, basil, spinach, and artichokes. And for treats you can give them oranges (which mine hates) apples, pears, strawberries, peaches and tomatoes.