Are you %26amp; your friends r family doing anything special?Actually mey circle of friends %26amp; family consider it just another day we dont have to work so we can all get together %26amp; have a normal fellowship.How about you?
What are you planning to do on new years day?We plan to have blackeyed peas,cabbage,hogs jowl,steamed veggies.
Since I work 2 morrow I cooked 2 day, My family will eat
black eye peas,collard greens, pig feet pig tails and corn bread, sit back and enjoy the day
Reply:Sounds like you are eating with the Clampetts! We are having lamb roast.
Reply:Now, YOU folks know how to do it!!! Hog jowls and black eyed peas. Um um um um um um UM.
Reply:Sounds like this will be a fabulous get together with delicious food.
I will be spending a quiet day tomorrow, At least, that's my plan. The past 3 weeks have been very busy and the younger folk will be celebrating tonight. I think tomorrow will be a little quieter. Something simple for lunch like tomato soup and perhaps a roast beef sandwich with a little salad for dinner. By the weekend, we will all be on the go again although the weather report says we have a snow storm coming in tonight or by 2am and expected to snow all day tomorrow.