Someone paid me for my art in cabbage.. I am an arteest but have no other medium available to me at this moment...
How do I sculpt out of cabbage?
With a sharp knife, of course. I see your problem, though. They don't allow you to use sharp things in there, do they?
Reply:Anyone who can sculpt can do that. Now if you can stay INSIDE the cabbage and sculpt, you'll have something.
Reply:boiled, with corned beef perhaps....
Reply:Who cares about yer damned sculpting? I just wrote in to thank Persiphone for that delightful cabbage recipe.
"Gasp.....! Sputter!.".I tried that out on Granny Crabtree and
she liked it thing led to another, and then led to MY thing, and now Granny doesn't even care that our garden patch and flower beds are's just like we wuz in high-school again..we're singin' that song.."In the cool cool cool of the cabbage," My only fear is that after all she done to me...I think it's ME that might be pregnant now"
You got somethin' to say about this Granny?
Reply:nothing very good
Reply:what are you trying to make? A lettuce might be acheivable whereas a dual core pentium with tft monitor might be more difficult.
Tyler durdens clip is the only utterance he is capable of since following Loosechange's recipe for smoking DMT through a glass pipe. So remember kids when someone in a hang glider offers you drugs. JUST SAY SIEG HEIL!
Reply:Everyone has a photographic memory, you just don't have film.
Reply:Freeze it then make ice sculpture.
Reply:Who has been feeding you with craps lately??
Or have you been watching late night comedies again??
Reply:Won't it get rotten? I will say this. When women have babies and they have breast pain afterwards, doctors sometimes recommend cutting a head of cabbage in half, hollowing it out and freezing it. Then using the two halves as ice packs. You could try something like that LOL .. (I am serious - and it does work)
Pax - C