Already growing and dont know anything on them as far as how much to water, fertilize and what kind and how much space is really required between them? Looks good so far.
Need to know how to grow cabbage, carrots and raddishes.?
to prepare the soil for transplant you should add the fertilizer to the soil and rotovate (mix together) about 1oz of fertilizer to a sq ft of soil-depending on the strength of fertilizer and grade of soil. Water soil preferably with a sprinkler system. (to prevent soil erosion(soil been washed away) and should be done twice a day depending on the weather(early morning and late afternoon. Will stunt the growth or killed if watered when the sun is hot. The minimum space between plants should be 12inches this is for cabbage and raddishes as carrots should not be transplanted. They should be sown on prepared soil. Try to minimize the amount of seeds been thrown too closely on soil.
Reply:Over watering is as bad as no water at all, if it rains then you don't need to water but if it's dry then water twice a week. Sprinkler a handful of Sulphate of Potash, just around the plants this should help, not to much just a light sprinkle. then water in. Cauliflower's are probably the hardest to grow, and here's THE TIP OF THE DAY, close up the leaves so the SUN does not get at the part inside. fasten them up with loose string or rubber bands, this will prevent the sun from ripening them to soon, when you want one, then open it about a week before you want to use it and they should be nice and crisp.