You may be able to find what you are looking for at Silky Scents. They have a free recipe section that is easy to follow
What is the best organic mixture to put on my cabbage plants to keep the bugs from eating them?
whipping cream in a spray bottle (might want to add a bit of water to keep it from clogging the nozzle)
Reply:Well I'd be interested in hearing the responses you get for this too because what I tried last year didn't work. I didn't want to use the sprays -- I was especially nervous when I asked our local farmer what he did and he said he sprays bug spray around the dirt - when I gasped and said how can you do that - he said I don't spray the leaves - but I said don't you water? wouldn't the water seep the chemical into the plant? Needless to say I don't go to him anymore
The best way so many of the experts told me is there's nothing like going to the cabbage daily and killing the moths larvae.. Don't just flick them off as they'll just wither themselves back up on the plant you have to squish them betw your nails. If you have lots of cabbage and it's not feasible - go to this website she talks about planting deterrent plants near, what to do with the larvae etc. Good luck - I