I want to make cabbage but unsure how. I don't want stuffed cabbaged. I want cut up gabage. Do I use meat and what kind of meat? Do I or can I just boil the cabbage? What do I put on it?
I want to make cabbage?
I finely shred the cabbage and add some finely sliced celery or onion and steam over my potatoes, and serve with what ever meat I am making.
Cabbage goes well with corned beef and some hot Coleman's mustard.
A little malt vinegar drizzles over it with fish is also yummy.
Reply:you can quarter the cabbage head add it to boiling water. i add bacon. a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a little bit of garlic salt. boil until it is tender.
you can also steam cabbage and eat it plain or top it with a little bit of butter sauce.
it's a good vegie. enjoy.
Reply:Get some bacon, cut it up and fry it in a pan....
Add chopped cabbage and a little bit of water, cover and let it steam :D
Hey, you didn't ask for HEALTHY ways to cook it.
We eat that and serve it with Dirty Rice and Beans. YUM. Artery clogging goodness (hey, we're from the south!)
Reply:you take corned beef and cut cabbage and make it with carrotts if want onion too its delishes
Reply:cooked cabbage
you will need a deep skillet with a lid
1 head of cabbage cut up
1/2 onion cut up
lemon pepper - to taste
salt to taste
1/2 lemon -juice only
1 tablespoon sugar
1 stick real butter
mix everything but butter together put in skillet add butter put lid on cook about 30 to 40 mins depends on how tender you want it
baked cabbage
cut cabbage in quarters but don't cut all the way through put sliced butter or margarine in between each quarter wrap in foil put in a baking pan and bake in 400 degree oven about 45 mins to an hour
there is a recipe for cabbage on the food network web site Paula dean makes it barbecue cabbage it's not what you think look it up
Reply:Sweet and Sour Cabbage
4 to 6 strips of bacon, cut into 1 inch pieces, fried until crisp and drained.
Keep grease from bacon in the pan.
cabbage, cut into 1 inch wide strips
about 2 tablespoons of vinegar
about 2 teaspoons of sugar
lots of pepper
Put cabbage in pot and cover with water, bring to a boil then simmer-boil. Add vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper to the pot. Simmer 5 minutes. Add bacon, bacon grease, and readjust seasonings. Simmer 20 to 30 minutes, until done, but still crisp. Cool and refrigerate overnight.
Reply:Fried Cabbage
Slice cabbage like you were making thick coleslaw
Slice onion
You'll need a large skillet with canola oil, add cabbage and onion, salt and pepper
Fry until cabbage has reduced in bulk and is slightly browned.
I love this just the way it is, or you can add your favorite chopped and cooked link sausage.
Reply:You can use several different kinds of meat for cabbage. Some meats I've used in the past are:
corn beef
chunks of ham
You will want to make sure that your meat is almost done before you add it to the pot where you are boiling the cabbage because it only takes cabbage about 30 minutes to cook. here is one of my favorite recipes:
Reply:You can find a lot of recipies on www.foodnetwork.com... good luck!
Reply:My favorite way to eat cabbage is this way
2 Tbsp oil
3Tbsp soy sauce
2 cups chopped cabbage
Both the oil and the soysauce go into a cold pan together. Heat the pan and when the soy sauce and oil starts to sizzle on the edges put in the chopped cabbage. Cook into cabbage wilts (5 to 7 minutes) Serve. Easy but good!
Reply:There are a few ways to make you some cabbage.
You can slice it raw and use it with Mayo and maybe a little bit of pineapple and mix it all to gether,
or you can cook it, by bringing it to a boil in a pan with water, then you simmer it until it is cooked,
on low or med.
then I always just liked it with butter, (Real Butter) and salt and pepper.
or you could put spam or ham or somen like that with it,
or cook it with onions.
It just depends on your taste.
Reply:I love Ham and Cabbage and Potatoes. I have never made it, but I think you just throw it all in a pot and boil it. Of course, you don't want to throw it all in at the same time, or the veggies will turn to mush. Stagger adding ingredients so all things are done at the same time.
Since DH does not like cabbage, instead of throwing it in the pot with the ham, I cut the cabbage in chunks and throw it in a pot with a chunk of salt pork, and a pack of diced ham cubes. Cover with water and boil for 20-30 mins or until done. Then I bake a ham and make mashed potatoes, or potatoe casserole to have on the side.
Reply:cut it up in chunks. Boil it covered for about 30 minutes, or until it becomes very tender. Drain it and put butter and salt on it. or some people enjoy it topped with tomato sauce.
Reply:Cabbage is extremely good when cooked in a boiled dinner.
You need 6-8 red potatoes, 1 lb of carrots, and your head of cabbage, cut into 4 pieces.
Peel the carrots and cut them in half crosswise (not lengthwise), scrub the potatoes and leave them whole (or if they are very large, cut them in halves).
Put the vegetables in a 4 qt pot. Add about 1 quart of water. Add 1 chicken bouillon cube,1 tbsp bacon fat, 1 tbsp butter, and 1 tsp of pickling spice or corned beef spice.
Bring to a boil, then reduce heat until the liquid is simmering gently. Simmer for about 1 hr.
Remove the veggies from the broth and serve with butter and vinegar. Use the broth as gravy. You can also use leftover broth for soup.
You can also add ham to this recipe, simmer a small ham (about 1-2 lbs) in with the vegetables.