when is the best time to grow cabbage and how do i take care of it.
How do i grow cabbage?
It depends on where you live. cabbage is a cool weather crop and usually sown in early spring or early Fall or even both. If you live in the South it may be grown as a Winter vegetable. It requires a lot of Nitrogen and prefers a loose soil. Other than that it is easy to grow.
If you live in a northern cool Summer State it can be grown as a Summer crop.
Reply:The directions above are good for growing cabbage. Hardening the plants off is wise so they don;t suffer sun burn and get stressed out. Plants do stress out and they don't produce as well.
Transplants are best but I have started them in the ground, usually for the fall crop. I just plant twice as many seeds and thin later.
Put a ground cover on the soil to keep it cool for this cool weather crop and I often plant them near a taller plant of by the base of taller plants so they have some shade. Add fertilizer when it starts to get a head and a couple of weeks later.
One thing I do that many people don't is place panty hose over the top of the plants. Cabbage worms, those really pesky insects that can ruin a great head of cabbage will be repelled. Actually it's the cabbage moth who cannot lay the eggs but the outcome is you will have no cabbage worms and you entertain the neighbors at the same time.
I also use pantyhose for cauliflower and broccoli.
When the heads get large but before they crack from growing too much, cut off the heads. I do this on an overcast day and let sit on the ground for a few hours then collect them.
If you grow a later crop you can remove the entire plant and hang them upside down for storage. The outer layer will get dry but the rest is fine.
Store in a cool dark room. Some people store in sand. Denise
Reply:Cabbage does best when started from indoor plants. Start your plants from seed about six weeks before you want to plant them outdoors. Plant outdoors in very early spring. Harden off your indoor plants by giving them exposure to the outdoors for longer periods of time each day. I live in zone 5/6 and can put cabbbage plants in the ground as early as April. Do not plant in late spring as the cabbage does not like intense sun and will bolt. Bolt means that plant will not form a head but will go to flowering instead. Plant cabbage outdoors where the plqnt will remain cool and not be exposed to hot sun. It needs sun but not intense summer sun. Mulch well to keep the roots cool.