On a pile of a few cabbages, I found a hill that had these little white looking like worms. What is it is it a cabbage disease? I guess if yes, than I can't eat it and should I take it out?
Checked my red cabbage today. It has ton's of white little things on the leaves. What is that?
Do you have a picture of them? Hard to tell without seeing them.
Aphids are a fairly common pest: http://taropest.sci.qut.edu.au/LucidKey/...
Here is a page that lists common pests of Cole crops: http://everest.ento.vt.edu/~idlab/vegpes...
If the infestation is limited to a few plants, the easiest solution would be to just carefully pick and throw away those plants in hopes that they won't spread.
Good Luck!
Reply:Yes it's probably worms or little bugs. bring a sample to your local nursery or home hardware type store and ask for assistance. eventually you should find someone that knows about it that can sell you a spray to get rid of them.