I know we can freeze brussel sprouts.... kinda similar.
Cabbage, can I freeze it? What if I have grown more than I can eat before it all goes bad?
National Center for Home Food Preservation
How Do I?
Ways to Freeze Cabbage
The link below give all kinds of ways to freeze cabbage.
The Cabbage Page
Question was on Y!A before
*********Bonus Answer
In your wildest dreams you would never know it had sauerkraut in it.
Chocolate Sauerkraut Cake
Reply:only good for soups and such after thawing.
Reply:You can also make sauerkraut.
Reply:Yes u can...but still it has its time too...its not like other frozen foods....it can get bad if kept for a long time.....n' if u hav too much of them....some will have to go bad..coz u cant finish of the whole bunch!!!
Reply:I really don't know if you can freeze cabbage. I think you can if it is cooked first. You can try a couple of good recipes and give it a try. You can try sauteing the cabbage in butter and then add precooked flat noodles. This is called Halushka (sp?). Or you can make stuffed cabbage rolls and then freeze them.
Good luck....
Reply:Yes, you can freeze cabbage. Here is a web site with good instructions.